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Social engagement


In Asia, parents shy away from having the talk with kids about menstruation, making it a taboo topic.

Gen Z is knowledgeable about menstrual health, but lacks a support system to talk about period anxiety and overcome stigma.


Gen Z is teaching their parents about the things in their life, not the other way around.

Teach dads how to TikTok

​Teach moms how to "Sheeesh"

Teach moms to "be a savage"


​Teach moms about Pride


​Period TikTalk - a social movement on TikTok where young people initiate the talk with their parents, grandparents and sibblings about period.


We kickstart the movement with influencers sharing videos of them talking to their parents using a filter we create.


The filter displays randomly 1 of 10 most popular period stigmas in Asia and acts as a conversation starter for Gen Z girls to ‘educate’ older generations.

And the movement spreads.


Girls use the filter to join the challenge and organically find other period topics they can educate others about, normalizing open conversations and eliminating shame around period.


Because where Period TikTalk begins, period stigmas end.

This is an initiative project for Ogilvy Vietnam.

CW & AD: An Trinh.



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